I firmly believe that music unfolds in its own time, much like a person blossom over the course of their life.

Artist Profile

Xiaoke’s journey to the piano is anything but conventional.
Her love for classical music blossomed at the tender age of 4, sparking a lifelong passion. Fueling her curiosity, she embarked on a unique path, immersing herself in diverse artistic and intellectual pursuits.

A pivotal moment arrived when Xiaoke crossed paths with Mr. Halim. His extraordinary artistry, visionary perspective, and unwavering guidance ignited a flame within her—a commitment to music that would last a lifetime.

As a performer, Xiaoke possesses remarkable sensitivity and an insatiable urge to connect. She crafts personal interpretations of an extensive piano and chamber repertoire, infusing each note with her essence. Beyond performance, Xiaoke delves into Historical Musicology, unraveling the past to inform her artistic expression.

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Teaching Philosophy

I firmly believe that music unfolds in its own time, much like a person blossom over the course of their life. Teaching music is a delicate art—one that involves not just imparting technical skills, but also nurturing emotional depth and personal expression. When a student possesses an innate sensitivity, the teacher’s role is to guide, inspire, and enhance their emotions. We refine and beautify their playing, helping them connect deeply with the music. However, when a student is emotionally detached, the challenge lies in igniting that internal fire of expression.

At the heart of my teaching philosophy is the encouragement for students to forge a personal bond with the music. They must express their emotions sincerely and authentically through their playing. While understanding the composer’s intentions and historical context is crucial, and the students should be encouraged to delve deeply into the score, considering not only the notes but also the composer’s style, form, and expressive indications, the ultimate authority lies with the heart. Even technical proficiency should serve the musical expression that emanates from within. I firmly believe that you are what you play. The music one creates is the embodiment of their entire being; their knowledge, life experiences, feelings, aesthetics, and more.

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Course Offerings

Private piano lessons


Each lesson is designed to accommodate individual needs, focusing on in-depth training in piano techniques and fostering musicality development, all while working carefully on chosen repertoire.

Tailored lesson package


Package with topics chosen by the customer. Examples include studying a specific symphonic work or opera, exploring the works of a particular composer, delving into piano music history, examining broader music history topics, preparing for music-related degree applications, and more.

Music Theory


A tailored package of 8 hour-long lessons covering various topics such as voice leading, part writing, form and structure, harmonic progressions, and more.